November Newsletter

Hello friends

Looking forward to seeing you all at our Scandi Christmas themed meeting on Thursday. We will be creating super cute little gnome decorations and sampling some Nordic nosh. Definitely one to get you into the Christmas spirit. Can I suggest you bring a sharp pair of scissors, if you own such a thing, as we do have scissors but they’re not the best.

Don’t forget to bring  actual physical money for the craft stalls as I doubt they’ll be set up to take cards. I’ve been walking around with the sum total of 24p in my purse for months now, and my daughter buys everything by tapping her phone! Witchcraft! Corinne will be selling her stunning mosaics and Sally Ann has a new hobby of decorating shells and turning them into trinket dishes. She’s been extremely busy as every time she puts photos of her latest creations on the committee WhatsApp group we buy them all! There will be other stalls as well, including woodwork, cards, bags and jewellery.

Following my previous email regarding Sam’s dog Millie I’m pleased to tell you that nobody has raised an objection. This means that Sam won’t have to leave us, thank goodness. 

See you Thursday for another much needed evening of fun.

Much love


October Newsletter

Hello friends

Blimey! I’ve just realised it’s Sunday night and I haven’t yet sent out the newsletter! I do hope you’ll all be able to come on Thursday as I think it’s going to be enormous fun.

Meeting this Thursday (14th)
We’re going to be having a Bond themed meeting and we’re  turning the naval club into a glamorous Casino!  Well, I’m almost definitely exaggerating the glamour – I’m not a complete miracle worker –  but there will be blackjack and roulette. Not for actual money either – I think there might be rules against gambling away the WI funds –   but there will be a prize for the person who accumulates the most fake money by the end of the evening.
There will also be pistol shooting! Not real pistols (you can probably see a theme emerging here) but the rubber band ones are surprisingly accurate. Health and safety protocol suggests that we aim for the target, rather than lurking about in corners or hiding under tables before leaping out and shooting our friends ( fun though that sounds). I think commando rolls are OK though.
A chap with an Aston Martin is going to be making an appearance, so we can drape ourselves over the bonnet. There will also be a Bond themed quiz
You can’t do Bond without cocktails so we’ve thought about that too. Not real ones though! I’ll be bringing all the ingredients for alcohol free mixed drinks plus some interesting recipes for you to try out. Of course, there’s nothing stopping you from buying a shot at the bar to add to your drink, if you’re feeling frisky. Please bring your own glass if you’re not planning on buying anything from the bar.
It would be fab if you fancied dressing up in your best Bond themed outfit, but it isn’t essential. Some of us love a bit of fancy dress while others loathe it.

Next month’s meeting November 11th
Our November meeting is going to have a Scandi Christmas theme. We’ll be crafting those cute little Christmas gnome things, which are called Tomte apparently, and we’ll be sampling traditional Nordic festive food. 

Looking forward to seeing you all on Thursday. Although you might have trouble spotting me as I’ll be in my invisible car.

Big love


September Newsletter

Hello friends

Oh my goodness, I can hardly believe we’re back in the hall at last! I am so looking forward to some degree of normality, although can I respectfully request that you do one of those uncomfortable covid test thingies before you come, just to be on the safe side? We won’t insist that everybody wears masks, although you are, of course, welcome to don one, should you wish.

So, next Thursday the 9th at 8pm will be our AGM, where once again we vote for our new president. I’m not sure how long I’ve been president now but it must be verging on a hundred years. I’m happy to keep going until I need a bath chair and ear trumpet (might have been reading too many historical novels) but if anybody else fancies a go, do give us a wave.

Apart from the businessy stuff, the committee are going to be baking you lots of cakes, so don’t forget a mug, plate and fork. We thought it would also be fun to have a session of ‘show and tell’.  Have you taken up any new crafts over lockdown? If so, please  bring in anything you’ve made for us to admire. Or anything half made that you need help with! Any other new hobbies you’d like to tell us about? Or a new recipe you could cook and bring in? The second category is products you think are outstanding and would like to tell us about. Cosmetics, cleaning stuff, obscure cooking ingredients – if you would like to recommend it, we would like to hear. I know some of you are more than happy to stand up with the mic but others would rather walk on hot coals. If you are in the latter category, I’ll do the talking for you. And if you can’t think of a single thing to show or talk about, just come for the craic.

See you next Thursday

Big love


August Newsletter

Hello friends

I am so looking forward to seeing you all again! Our grand picnic will be this Thursday at Shoebury East Beach at 6pm. Fingers crossed the weather will be kind to us but, if not, we’ll decamp to the pub instead. 

Please bring your own picnic, or portable BBQ  to cook up your supper. You’ll also need something to sit on and if you have any outdoor games you’re happy to share, that would be lovely. Sally Ann is threatening to bring a frisbee but my running around days are long gone, frankly. Happy to watch the rest of you though!

If you’re a hardy soul and you’d like a dip with Sally Ann before the picnic, meet on the beach between Thorpe Hall Avenue and Burges Terrace at 4.30pm.

See you Thursday


July Newsletter

Hello friends

Such a shame we’re having to Zoom yet again. Hopefully this really will be the last time. We’ve lined up an entertaining sounding speaker to give us all a laugh though. She’s called Vanessa (top name!) and is a wedding planner with her own company, Rocks and Frocks.

Next  Zoom meeting July 8th 8pm

We don’t normally have an August meeting but who even knows what normal is any more? The committee have decided to tear up the rule book, rebels that we are, and we’re throwing a big WoSWI picnic at Shoebury East Beach on the evening of August 12th. We’ll be meeting earlier than normal, at 6pm, to make the most of the light. If you’re feeling hardy, bring your swimming things. If you’re less hardy, just bring plenty of cake and alcohol. And a chair, of course. Due to the ongoing Covid situation we think it’s more prudent to avoid food sharing so please bring your own picnic – (although the WoSWI police won’t be in attendance to stop you having a taste of your neighbour’s, should all be in agreement!) If you have any suitable outdoor games, do feel free to bring them along too.

Looking forward to Zooming with you.

Much love


June Newsletter

Hello friends

Gushy message
Oh my goodness, I can hardly contain my excitement! Is this going to be our last online meeting? Will we really be able to smile at each other and chat away in the actual, real world? It’s been such a long time but they say absence makes the heart grow fonder, and my heart is feeling jolly fond. I don’t know if you feel the same but WoSWI has taken on a new importance in my life over the last year. With my world shrinking down to the four walls of my house, it was wonderful to have a regular connection with you all and to feel I was part of something bigger. Weirdly, I think I’ve actually been able to get to know you all better on Zoom than I did in meetings…and what a lovely lot you are. I just want to thank you for joining in and entertaining me over the months, and also for keeping the faith and renewing your  membership.

Next  (last?!) Zoom meeting June 10th 8pm

This month we have a personal stylist coming to talk to us about looking gorgeous whilst being kind to our planet. She’ll be discussing the life cycle of a pair of jeans and also showing us how to shop from our own wardrobes, rather than succumbing to disposable fashion. She’s going to be talking for a bit and then there will be plenty of time for questions so she can solve all your fashion dilemmas and clothing conundrums.  Here’s her website, if you’d like to check her out

Next month’s meeting July 8th
You name it and I’m crossing it – fingers, eyes, wires, tees – that we’ll be able to meet indoors. I’ve spoken to the hall and they’re ready and waiting for us so it’s all down to Boris and the scientists now (Boris and the Scientists. Worst band name ever). We’re planning a relaxed and informal meeting to ease us back into public life, with much cake and chat. So far it has a working title of ‘Bakes and Banter’, courtesy of Sally Ann. If there are any hiccups with the road map and we can’t meet at the club, then we’ll arrange something outside instead.

We don’t normally have an August meeting but who even knows what normal is any more? The committee have decided to tear up the rule book, rebels that we are, and we’re going to be organising a big WoSWI picnic on the evening of August 12th. We’ll be meeting earlier than normal to make the most of the light but that’s about as far as we’ve got with the planning. Put the date in your diary and all will be revealed in due course.

Looking forward to Zooming with you.

Much love


May Newsletter

Hello friends

I can’t tell you how much I enjoyed seeing so many of you over the weekend. I love entertaining and cooking for people and hosting seven back to back tea parties is my idea of heaven! It was really lovely being able to spend proper time with small groups as I’m usually so busy floating about at meetings that I don’t get to chat to anybody for very long. What a fabulous bunch of women we have in WoSWI and roll on being able to all meet again; not long now. 

Next Zoom meeting May 13th 8pm

We’re going for classic WI this month and an expert from Create98 will be showing us how to do a modern flower arrangement and sharing hints and tips. You can, of course, just watch, but should you want to join in and beautify your home, below is a list of the things you will need.

A vase or container that is around 20cm high and has an opening around 10cm in diameter at the top – filled half full with water
A roll of floristry pot tape (if possible – see link to amazon below costs less than £3) cellotape may work as an alternative or parcel tape 
Approx 7- 10 stems of foliage – mixed lengths around twice the height of the vase  cut from the garden (or anyone else forageable!) 
A few (say 3)  branches of flowering blossom
A bunch of tulips or roses (eg. From supermarket) and then a filler flower (3-5 stems) this could be gypsophila for example or carnations.

Link for pot tape.

Me. Myself and WI

There’s still time to book into one of the events below – just reply to this email.

Monday 10th 6pm.. Run with Anne (distance open to discussion!). Meet at the Saltwater Cafe at 6pm.

Tuesday 11th 12.30. Pub lunch with Vanessa at The Peterboat in Leigh. So far ten people have signed up for lunch and I have an outside table for 6 and another for 4, booked in my name (Vanessa Milligan). We might be able to extend the booking but you’ll need to be quick!

Wednesday 12th 4pm  Walk with Sally Anne  in the Barling Magna Wildlife Reserve . Possible bacon butty cook out! No dogs, unfortunately.

Thursday 13th 10am. Walk with Lynne along the seafront, with a stop off at Rossi’s. Meet at the Sealife Centre

Friday 14th 10am. Walk with Sarah Cambell and dogs, meeting at the Cherry Orchard car park.

Saturday 15th 2.30pm. Dip in the sea with Sally Anne.

Sunday 16th 3pm. Knit and natter in Sarah’s garden, near the hospital. 

What’s happening next month?
For our Zoom meeting on June 10th we have a personal stylist coming to talk to us about looking gorgeous whilst being kind to our planet. She’ll be discussing the life cycle of a pair of jeans and also showing us how to shop from our own wardrobes, rather than succumbing to disposable fashion. Here’s her website, if you’d like to check her out

See you soon.


April Newsletter

Hello friends

Treats for you!
Keep an eye out over the weekend as I have a strong suspicion a team of eager Easter bunnies will be hopping all over Westcliff and the surrounding area, delivering WoSWI goodie bags!

Subs and events
Many thanks to all of you who have renewed your membership online or by cheque. I can’t tell you how happy I am that you are all sticking with us after the year we’ve had, and I’m looking forward to the next year with excitement. There is a party invitation in your goodie bag, and I’ll also be announcing a series of events at next week’s meeting. Let’s make the most of finally being able to see each other in person!

If you haven’t yet got round to paying up, never fear. You can give a cheque or cash to the committee bunny on your doorstep or scroll down for the bank details. And if you aren’t planning on renewing, just let us know. I promise we won’t crochet an effigy of you and stick pins in it!  

Next meeting Thursday 8th April
Our next meeting should be hilarious. For the last three months we’ve had speakers – with varying degrees of success, it has to be said – but this time it’s being run by yours truly. I’m going to be removing my presidential sash (naturally I do wear this at all times, even though it makes turning over in bed somewhat awkward) and I’ll be donning the persona of……The Taskmaster! I have a variety of tasks, running the full gamut from utterly ridiculous to completely preposterous, all of which require no talent or agility whatsoever and can  be done on Zoom. We might have prizes, we might not…I’m the Taskmaster, my word is final…I’m hoping for an evening of mayhem, surprises and laughter, plus a bit of bingo thrown in. Be there or be square, as we used to say in the good old days.

Really looking forward to spending time with m’ladies.

Much love


March Newsletter

Hello Ladies

I can’t believe it’s March already! Back at Christmas when they announced a three month lockdown, right through the dreariest part of the year, I thought time would crawl along at the speed of a snail. Instead it seems to have rushed by at a breakneck pace. Or is that just me?! So lovely to have the hopefulness of Spring in the air and the promise of more normality ahead of us. In no time at all we’ll be able to meet up again.

Our next Zoom meeting – March 11th 8pm
This month’s speaker is Sarah Kelly. Her subject sounds fascinating as she handled communications between the media and the police in the Harold Shipman case.  

Get Togethers
Our coffee morning last week was thoroughly enjoyable. We only had six people so it was very informal and intimate, but there was a lot of chat and laughter and great fun was had by all. I’m really relishing the chance to get to know people better. The next one is Thursday 4th March at 7pm so grab a coffee or glass of wine and come and hang out with us for a bit.

April Goodie bags!!
Our Christmas deliveries were so well received that we’re going to be sending out another batch of goodie bags before our April meeting. These will contain materials for a craft and other activities, as well as some lovely Spring treats for you. Looking forward to some more doorstep chats as well. 

It has been a challenge, to say the least, to keep WoSWI running throughout  lockdowns and social distancing, and myself and the committee have tried really hard to make sure you get value from your membership and feel that you are still an important part of our WI community. We’ve all had an extra three months membership but in April it will be time to fork out £44 to renew for another year. We have a lot of plans in the pipeline for more outside gatherings, and a big celebration when we are finally allowed to meet up indoors again, so I’m really hoping that you’ll all want to renew your membership. I appreciate that the last year has been difficult, particularly if you haven’t been able to join in with our online meetings, but better times are ahead so don’t give up on WoSWI!

Really looking forward to seeing you all next Thursday.

Much love


February Newsletter

Hello ladies
Hope you are all keeping well and managing to find things to do to stop each lockdown day merging into the next. I’m considering taking up binge drinking but I’m not sure I have time for a new hobby,  alongside my current snail racing  and learning to play every national anthem of the world on the bagpipes. In seriousness, apologies that this is a very short newsletter. I am somewhat overwhelmed with work, as you can probably imagine

Wasn’t last month’s speaker entertaining and interesting? I could have spent all evening listening to her tales of prison life. It was so nice to just be able to hang out and chat with each other afterwards too. We talked about organising some informal Zoom get togethers so here goes.

Get Together Dates
 I suggest we try out a morning and an evening session and see how we get on. We might want to put something more formal in place, like an activity to do together, but we can chat about that in the first couple of sessions. Put these dates in your diary and then I’ll send log in details later
Thursday Feb 25th 10.30am
Thursday March 4th 7pm.

Next Zoom meeting. February 11th 8pm
This month we have another interesting sounding speaker coming to delight us. Jane Glennie is an actress/speaker and she will be telling us all about the history of tea, while dressed as a fifties housewife.  It would be fun if we all got out our best tea cup and teapot so we can have a socially distanced tea party together.

Really looking forward to seeing you all

Much love
